Guided Math Unit Planning

Unit planning is a task!

One of the things I saw teachers struggling with is what to teach on which day!  I think that is the struggle for all of us.  When you get a list of TEKS and a set number of days it is easy to feel overwhelmed.  I want to share how I plan for a unit.


  1. The first step is to decide what you want the students to learn.  I start with a 5 column chart. (See sample - click on picture for link to Learning Target form) This chart helps me to decide what I want the students to learn.  I break the TEKS into small chunks. I only include one verb and one piece of content.  For example:  If the TEKS is 3.4(A) solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction, then I would write 9 learning targets.  I would not expect to have 9 days to teach this TEK, but there are 9 skills a student needs to be able to do in this TEK:
    1. solve with fluency one-step  problems involving addition  within 1,000 using strategies based on place value.
    2. solve with fluency one-step  problems involving addition  within 1,000 using strategies based on  properties of operations
    3. solve with fluency one-step  problems involving addition  within 1,000 using strategies based on the relationship between addition and subtraction
    4. solve with fluency one-step  problems involving  subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value
    5. solve with fluency one-step  problems involving  subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on properties of operations
    6. solve with fluency one-step  problems involving  subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on the relationship between addition and subtraction
    7. solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value
    8. solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on properties of operations
    9. solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on the relationship between addition and subtraction




The next step is to decide how I will know if the student can do the skill.   I look to see how it is tested on STAAR. (STAAR is the Texas state assessment.)   I make sure ALL of the skills listed in the TEKS are written down. I use this information to create my unit test and daily exit tickets.  Then I create an exit ticket for each learning target.

The third step is to plan for intervention.  I try to think of all the activities and strategies I know that might help if a student doesn't understand the learning target.  I make these notes in the third column.

Next, I plan for enrichment.  I look at the standards that are coming up that are related to this TEK or look at the next grade level for the connected skill.  I then try to think of at least one thing for each learning target that will grow the math understanding for the kids who already get it.

Now I can start to put things on the calendar!  I block of the number of days I have to teach and then look for learning targets that go together and put those on the calendar.  In the example above, I would put Learning Target 1 and 3 together.  If you have other TEKS done as learning targets you will find that you can teach multiple parts of TEKS on the same day.

After I get the learning targets on the calendar, I decide how my whole class teach time will go.  I have a list of different ways to teach durning whole class teach time from Laney Sammon's book: Guided Math: A Framework for Mathematics Instruction. (If you haven't read this book, I highly encourage you to!  It has changed the way I teach Math!) I try to vary my instruction.  This keeps me from defaulting to the mini-lesson.  I want the kids to do more work than me!

Next, I plan for Guided Math.  I find hands-on activities that students can do at the small group table.  I want them to be quick and action packed!

Finally, I write the daily plans!  Most of the decision making is done.  I look at the exit ticket for that day and make sure I am on track with my teaching!

Once the unit planning is done, I know I will stay focused and have ways to track student progress.  I use the learning target sheet to create a student tracking form so kids can see where they are! These are great to use during parent conferences!  I also have plenty of data to take to RTI meetings!

I usually map two or three units at a time so I don't get behind!

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Posted in Professional Development.