20 Self Checking Task Cards For Place Value of Whole Numbers and Decimals. These Task Cards cover 4.2A, 4.2B, 4.2C, 4.2E, 4.2F, 4.2H and 4.3G.
Set up- Laminate the cards if you will be using them repeatedly. Punch holes in the answer choices and through the circle with the white star.
Check it out is a self checking task card system. Students complete the task cards. When they are finished with all of the cards, they put the card on the Check It card between the stars. The answer will show the same color!
A Heat map is included on the answer sheet, students color the questions they got correct so you can see the objectives they need to work on!
Skills Include:
Interpret the Base-10 System
Represent whole numbers and decimals in standard, word, expanded form and expanded notation
Compare and order whole numbers and decimals (using models)
Represent decimals on number lines, decimal disks, decimal grids, base-10 blocks, & money,
Determine the corresponding decimal to the tenths or hundreds on number lines!
This product is included in
Math Station Boards 4th Grade Place Value of Whole Numbers and Decimals
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