Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers and Decimals are skills to practice all year! These math stations can help! 5 different station board activities are included. Print and fill the pockets! (Instructions for making the boards can be found below.) No laminating and minimal prep work saves you time! Print on colored paper to spice things up! When the unit is over, simply put the next unit in and you are ready to go!
This Math Station Board groups student expectations CCSS- 4NBT.B4 and TEKS- All processing, 4.2D, 4.4A, 4.4G, 4.10B, and 4.10E that address fluently adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers and decimals using a variety of strategies, rounding whole numbers, using the compatible number strategy, calculating profit and describing the basic function of financial institutions.
Problem Solving:
Must Do problem- Real world scenario about saving for college includes 8 high level questions, student work page and answers.
May Do problem- Number around strategy and answers
Challenge problem- Critical thinking and writing multi-step problems based on information from a table.
Math by Myself:
Today’s Assignment sheet- you choose what the students will work on (example: Textbook practice problems, or anything you would assign for independent practice.)
I Can Statements with faces students can color to evaluate their own learning. Students keep track of their learning. Have students bring this to the guided math table and show you they know how to complete each skill. Great for student led conferencing and RTI information!
Challenge problem- 2 challenge problems using information from a table, students answer H.O.T questions
Math in Writing:
Must Do problem- Error Analysis on a common misconception- The difference between Estimation and Rounding
1 Choice Board for May Do- creative activities
Challenge problems- 2 challenge problems include sorting and categorizing vocabulary and writing explanations dealing with profit
Math with Someone:
Frayer models and a vocabulary list
Memory cards for vocabulary game
Roll a Number Game- practice addition, subtraction, compare and order and rounding
40 number cards with whole numbers and decimals. These are in color and black & white for your choice of printing.
Fact Fluency:
*This is the same as Unit 1*
Fact Fluency begins with learning doubles, fives, ones and zeros and progressively teaches strategies for learning all of the facts. Students don’t just memorize the facts; they work on strategies for finding an answer to an unknown fact. 6 games are included. These games can be used for any fact strategy group! Best of all- the games can be played with a student’s own cards! One student can be working on perfect squares in the same game as a student working on double doubles! Differentiating a station is key! This helps with scheduling- no need to worry about which fact group kids are in!