JoLynn Meade
English Language Arts and Social Studies Professional Development

Misty Pohly
Math and Science Professional Development
Writing Across the Curriculum
Want students to have a deeper meaning of your content area and become better writers? Writing across the curriculum is essential for students to grasp content at deeper levels and see the connections between content areas. Participants will engage in 6-8 writing strategies that can be used in all content areas. Each writing strategy will come with specific directions and ways to implement in any classroom. Grades 3-12.
Getting Candid about Comprehension: Close Reading and Notice and Note
Do you want your students reading closely while also utilizing Notice and Note strategies? Participants in this session will be guided through close reading that also implements Notice and Note. Teachers will be involved in hands-on lessons that they can turn around and use in the classroom! All comprehension strands are imbedded in each lesson. This professional development is for teachers grades 3-12.
Guided Math
Click Here to Preview Each Day
This three-part series gives teachers time to implement each part of a guided math program. Each component is broken down into
manageable chunks ensuring that the program launches without teacher stress!
Part One: Participants will learn how to write a mini lesson using the TEKS. They will learn how to use their resources for guided and independent practice. Teachers will learn how to assess their students on the go to decide who to pull for small group.
Part Two: Participants will learn the ins and outs of stations. We will learn about flexible grouping, and classroom organization and management routines.
Part Three: Participants will learn about direct instruction in the guided math group. They will explore the cognitively Guided instruction model to help their students understand word problems instead of looking for tricks.
Grades K-5
First 20 Days and Literacy Stations
Do you want to rollout your literacy stations with ease? Come learn how to set up literacy stations and prepare for guided reading over a 20-day period. Walk away with a step by step guide for each day, ready-made lessons, and ideas for literacy station activities! Grades K-3
All Things PLC
Come learn everything PLC! From establishing norms, to understanding the PLC framework and purpose, participants will actively engage in role play activities including how to have crucial conversations. After this training, a team leader can walk away with a detailed understanding of what is needed in order to have an effective PLC!
Fact Fluency: Addition and Subtraction
Fact Fluency is more than memorization. Participants will learn strategies to teach their students instead of relying on memorization. This session is a make and take in the afternoon. Participants will leave with 6 differentiated games for each of the strategies.
Fact Fluency: Multiplication and Division
Fact Fluency is more than memorization. Participants will learn strategies to teach their students instead of relying on memorization. This session is a make and take in the afternoon. Participants will leave with 6 differentiated games for each of the strategies.