This unit is about modeling long division. Students will practice rounding to the 10, 100, or 1,000 place and use compatible numbers to estimate solutions to word problems. They will use the compatible numbers to divide. During this unit students will use a variety of models for long division to help them see what is happening and make connections to the standard algorithm. They will represent multi-step problems with strip diagrams and equations.
I have broken down each TEK into Learning Targets to make it easier to track student progress and make working in a PLC easier. There are 8 skills in this unit! Each learning target contains intervention and enrichment skills. A student data sheet is included for students to reflect on their own learning for the unit. A teacher tracking sheet is included to make small group instruction easier!
Each day contains objective, learning targets, materials, whole class teaching activity, guided math activity and closure with an exit ticket and answer key for most days. You can use the Learning Targets to get ideas on Intervention and Enrichment skills.
Whole Class teaching in this unit contains:
- Mini Lessons
- Connection
- Teaching Point
- Active Engagement
- Link to Ongoing Learning
- Games
Games and Engagement Activities in this unit include:
- Mirror
- Scoot
- Scavenger Hunt
- Partner A/B
- Sketch To Stretch Gallery Walk
- Heads-up Stand Up Solve
This unit is designed to print and go! I keep mine in a binder. You can put each day and all of the materials for that day in one sheet protector.
I hope this unit helps you with Guided Math by providing a whole class teach, active engagement, guided math activities and exit tickets for almost everyday- you can’t beat $1.25 per day for a complete unit!
Complete Lesson Plans
TEKS: 4.4E 4.4F 4.4G 4.4H 4.5A
Division of Whole Numbers