Building an Understanding of Multiplication

"Great TRS resource!"

July 5, 2019, Kacie Maxwell

Building an Understanding of Multiplication

In this unit, students represent multiplication facts through the use of context. The models for this unit include objects, pictorial, area models, equal groups, arrays, strip diagrams, and equations. Students use the properties of multiplication to solve one step problems. Basic fact strategies- doubles, doubles plus one, double doubles, 5's, 10's and 9 are taught. This unit prepares students for division!

I see you~

  • struggling each week to write lesson plans that meet the rigor of the TEKS. 
  • searching endlessly for resources that will help kids learn math while being challenged and engaged. 
  • staying late everyday after school working on plans and creating everything from scratch.

You are exhausted from working with students all day,
and still have to prep, write and create. 

I see you~

  • SACRIFICING your time with your family and friends to ensure success for ALL of OUR Children.

"If you teach in Texas, you will love this bundle!"

Nicole J. (TpT review) October 14, 2018

Days 1-5

The unit kicks off with a Word Splash!  Students use their background knowledge to guess what the unit is about based on the picture.  This gives you a chance to see what they already know and identify misconceptions from Day 1!

Day 2: Representing Multiplication Facts

Strategies Include:

  • Skip counting
  • Number Line

Students practice on Math Mats by choosing a multiplication expression and representing it 4 different ways!

Day 3: Arrays

Students learn all about arrays to help them represent multiplication facts. Students practice writing the multiplication fact based on an array.

Day 4: Area Models

Two different SCOOTS are included to practice with an area model!  A griddable answer sheet is included to help students get ready for STAAR.

Day 5: Bring it all together with a game of pictionary.  Students use their knowledge of all of the strategies for multiplication to represent a fact.

Puzzles are included to help in small group instruction.  Students match pictures of each fact


"If you are a Texas teacher who follows the TEKS Resource System, you won't regret purchasing this. The unit is well laid out and has great activities in each lesson!"

November 17, 2017, Kari H.

Days 6-10

Day 6: I will solve one-step involving multiplication within 100 using strategies based on objects, pictorial models, properties of operations, and recall of facts.

Math Huddle: 3 Read Strategy

Get students talking about possible problems they can solve!

Beat the Teacher Game for Small Group Instruction

Day 7 & 8: Problem Solving

In this lesson, students learn about the properties of operations.

  • Commutative
  • Associative
  • Distributive

They will model problem solving 4 different ways!

Day 9 & 10: I will represent and solve one-step multiplication problems within 100 strip diagrams.

In this lesson, students learn how to model multiplication on a strip diagram.

"Everything is perfectly aligned with the TEKS. The Exit tickets are amazing!"

October 15, 2018, Maggie Sengele

Day 11-12

Day 11 & 12 I will describe a multiplication expression as a comparison such as 3 x 24 represents 3 times as much as 24.

Students learn all about a multiplication comparison using a strip diagram.  Roll a Problem game is included for a fun practice!


"Great addition to my lessons, awesome product!"

July 20, 2018, Amy K.