"I love these! They are always high quality and high rigor. Thank you for putting in so much time to help the rest of us out."
September 19, 2018, Kristi M

Data Representations
This unit is about using all data! In this unit students learn about stem and leaf plots, dot plots and frequency tables with whole numbers, fraction and decimals. They use plots and tables to problem solve.

I see you~
- struggling each week to write lesson plans that meet the rigor of the TEKS.
- searching endlessly for resources that will help kids learn math while being challenged and engaged.
- staying late everyday after school working on plans and creating everything from scratch.
You are exhausted from working with students all day,
and still have to prep, write and create.

I see you~
- SACRIFICING your time with your family and friends to ensure success for ALL of OUR Children.
This resource is a wonderful addition to our unit. Students enjoy the activities included!
November 6, 2019 Misty B.
Days 1-4
Day 1: I will represent data on a frequency table and a dot plot marked with whole numbers and fractions.
The unit starts with building on what kids know- frequency tables and dot plots. Students use fractions and decimals to build frequency tables and dot plots. This is the first time students use categories of numbers in frequency tables.
Follow this with a SCOOT to get them up and moving!
Day 2: I will solve one- and two step problems using data in whole number, decimal, and fraction form in a frequency table and a dot plot.
- Identify missing information from a dot plot or frequency table
- Find the total
- Find the difference
- Solve a riddle to find the dot plot or frequency table
Active Engage: The Very Unfair Game
Day 3: I will represent data on a stem-and-leaf plot marked with whole numbers, decimals and fractions.
Introduction to stem and leaf plots! Guided notes are included!
Active Engage: Identify the stem and leaf cards and data sets for partners to create a stem and leaf plot.
Day 4: I will represent data on a stem-and-leaf plot marked with whole numbers, decimals and fractions.
Math Huddle or Math Talk- Jack and Jill Double stem and leaf plot (not tested, but great discussions on why we use a stem and leaf!)
Gallery Walk: students are given a a data card to create a stem and leaf plot.

"If you are a Texas teacher who follows the TEKS Resource System, you won't regret purchasing this. The unit is well laid out and has great activities in each lesson!"
November 17, 2017, Kari H.
Days 5-7
Day 5: I will solve one- and two step problems using data in whole number, decimal, and fraction form in a stem-and leaf plot.
Students use place value, multiplication and addition to find the total for stem and leaf plots.
Active engage: 4 Mirror Cards
Independent Practice: 4 Cards
Day 6: I will represent data on a frequency table, dot plot, or stem-and leaf plot marked with whole numbers and fractions.
Matching Game: Students match stem and leaf plots, dot plots and frequency tables. They list the data sets!
Day 7: I will solve one- and two step problems using data in whole number, decimal, and fraction form in a frequency table, a dot plot or stem-and-leaf plot.
20 questions to combine all of the learning in this unit in a fun game called Ghost in the Graveyard!