1st Grade Math

Math Stations are an important part of Balanced Numeracy.  The four most important categories or strands for 1st grade (according to the Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points) are:

  1. Develop an understanding of place value
    • Students count, represent, compare, and order quantities and collections fluently to 120. Students use base-10 place value to interpret numbers as groups of hundreds, tens, and ones.
    • 1(1)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G); 1(2)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G); 1(3)(A); 1(4)(A)(B)(C); 1(5)(A)(B)(C); 1(8)(A)(B)(C)
  2. Solving problems involving addition and subtraction
    • Students recognize situations involving addition and subtraction. Students develop and use efficient, accurate, and generalizable methods to add and subtract and use this knowledge to solve problems.
    • 1(1)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G); 1(3)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F); 1(5)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)
  3. Analyzing attributes of two dimensional shapes and three dimensional solids
    • Students are able to identify, name, and create basic two-dimensional shapes and three dimensional solids. Students attend to attributes to compose and decompose basic two-dimensional shapes and construct more complex shapes.
    • 1(1)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G); 1(6)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)
  4. Developing an understanding of length.
    • Students gain familiarity with principles of length measurement. They reason about, explain, and use the principles as they measure lengths.
    • 1(1)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G); 1(7)(A)(B)(C)(D)

Math Stations are designed around these four strands with fact fluency added.


Here are some of my products:

Number Fluency with Base 10 Blocks

Representing numbers in different ways is fun with this matching activity. It is self check with QR codes, so it is perfect for stations!
Students will match a number to different pictures and word cards.
Can be used for intervention during guided math or small group instruction.

Building Numbers with Base 10 Blocks

Place value scavenger hunt! The answer is on the top with a new question on the bottom. Students search for the answer on a new card. Build fluency with Base 10 blocks, number concept, composing and decomposing numbers.

Data Analysis  with Audio!  Don’t let reading levels stop your young mathematicians!

Analyzing the Data : 16 challenging task cards
Analyzing data is tricky, but these 16 task cards can help! Use them orally in small groups, or individually as a practice station in Math Daily 3 or in Guided Math. Another option is to use one card at a time with the entire class. Students can answer on the included recording sheet. An answer key is also included.
Use these 16 task cards to practice analyzing data in bar type graphs, pictographs, tally marks or T- charts. A student answer sheet for students to record their answers is included along with QR codes on each card for audio to support struggling readers. These task cards work well at Guided Math centers, BUILD, Daily 3 Math stations, for partner work, or with the whole class games.
These cards will look best in color, but will also print out fine in black and white. A set of cards with no background color is included. Simply print and cut along the guidelines. Laminate and use them again and again. Alternatively, you could print black and white cards on cardstock. Keep them in a baggie or whole punch and put on a ring
16 Color and Black & White task cards with QR audio codes
Sentence Stems
Student work pages
Answer key

Counting Coins

Counting Coins: 30 Task Cards

Counting coins with pennies , nickles and dimes up to 99 cents is tricky, but these 30 cards can help! Use them orally in small groups, or individually as a practice station in Math Daily 3 or in Guided Math. Another option is to use one card at a time with the entire class. Students can answer on notebook paper and track the cards they have completed on the included recording sheet. An answer key is also included. In addition, there are 3 whole class games to play with the cards- Scoot, Headbandz, and Quiz Quiz Trade!

Use these 30 task cards to practice counting coins. A student answer sheet for students to record their answers is included. These task cards are perfect for test prep and will work well at Guided Math centers, BUILD, Daily 3 Math stations, for partner work, or with the whole class games.

These cards will look best in color, but will also print out fine in black and white. Simply print and cut along the guidelines. Laminate and use them again and again. Alternatively, you could print black and white cards on cardstock. Keep them in a baggie or whole punch and put on a ring
30 color task cards
30 Black and white task cards
3 whole games
Scoot answer sheet
Student answer sheet
Headbandz answer sheet
Answer key